Sexy People Unite
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 Chapter 1

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There was a hole here. It's gone now.
There was a hole here. It's gone now.

Posts : 111
Join date : 2009-09-09
Location : Where in the world am I?

Chapter 1 Empty
PostSubject: Chapter 1   Chapter 1 Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 11:13 am

>: The sun blazes over Junktown and the wasteland. The gas station is oddly busy today and so is the town. The house on the hill is filled with a happily married couple.
Michael wonders how there is still a gas station/
Michael looks at the gas station from the junktown pawn shop.
Wolf hums a Gringo Like me, going on a walk with his two sons.
A.A.B sits on a hill with his partner, seemingly smashing down trees and watching down roll down the hill.
Michael stuffs his newly gained whiskey bottle into his pocket.
>: Dominic watches outside his window at Scraptown down the hill. His wife happily naps on a couch as Stephanie reads a book outside.
Vanna races as fast as she can through the town, panting, with cuts all over her.
>: Ellen wanders around, near Johann and his two sons.
Wolf turns to his two children.
Michael punts a rat crossing his path.
Vanna looks down at her wrist, a wire poking into it.
>: Ellen skips towards Johann and the two kids, not even noticing them.
Wolf always aware, hears the skipping.
Vanna bolts as fast as she can, trying to get as far from people and the town as possible.
Michael sits down in a lounge chair, just next to the gas station, in the open lot.
>:: Ellen: *sining* Don't you want somebody to love...
A.A.B kicks down the charred sticks, and places his hand over his weapon.
Wolf turns and lets himself smile...
Vanna makes it to the edge of the down, and pulls out the wire, which leads down through the skin on her arm, back out, and onto a small boxlike thing on her chest.
Vanna: *town
Michael: *Suddenly, a rat apprears, hitting Wolf*
Michael: *It is a dead rat.*
Vanna winces as the wire rips her skin open, but continues.
Wolf punts it.
Wolf: Hey...
Wolf speaks to Ellen...
>: Ellen stops nearly passing Johann.
>:: E: Yes?
Michael: *The rat flies across the town, hitting vanna in the back of the head.
A.A.B Thel jumps down from the hill, shaking a ruined car nearby, Alexander walks down calmly, chuckling.
Vanna drops the bomb, which is now beeping loudly, and begins to runfrom it.
Vanna: *run from
Wolf removes his hat,.
>: Dominic watches Vanna.
Wolf has slightly longer hair then last time.
Vanna screams "GET AWAY!" at the top of her lungs, and in the middle of it, the bomb goes off, sending her flying about 30 feet and killing anybody near it.
Michael sees the explosion.
>:: E: Nee- *She falls to the ground from the blast.*
Michael falls out of his chair.
Wolf stumbles...
Michael: Fuckingwoahshit.
>: The kids fall down.
Wolf looks at his children, blinking.
A.A.B looks towards the explosion. "The hell?"
A.A.B: T: I say we check it out.
Vanna crashes to the ground, still half conscious and panting.
Michael jogs towards the smoke where the bomb was.
A.A.B Thel begins to run towards the explosion.
>: People scream, a man crawls to his missing torso.
A.A.B races after him, "Wait up!"
Michael: *Rocket Rat was vaporized, R.I.P Rocket Rat.*
Wolf grabs his children lifting them up gingerly.
>:: D: Maria and Stephanie, stay here! *He runs towards town.*
>: Ellen gets up.
>:: E: Oh my god, what happened?!
Wolf Unexplained Force; Ressurects rocketrat.
Vanna is crying.
A.A.B they both make it there, Thel'Adam begins looking around.
Wolf: Simply put.
Wolf: Explosives.
>: Gives Johann a No Shit Sherlock look.
Wolf puffs a Djarum Cigarrette.
Vanna tries to get to her feet and continue running, but stumbles and falls again.
A.A.B The mutant picks up an injured man, carrying him over to a shed.
Wolf: So, Ellen, shall we check it out?
>:: Ellen: How do yo- Johann?! Is that you?!
A.A.B spots vanna, and begins to walk towards her, Gun in left hand, ready to pull the trigger.
Wolf: Yes...
Wolf grins vaguely.
Michael: *Rocket Rat flies off playing Rocket Man*
>:: Matthew: *To Joshua* Isn't that our mommy's name?!
>:: Joshua: *To Johann.:* Is that our Mommy?
Vanna puts her arms up innocently, eyes pleading.
>: Dominic makes it to town.
A.A.B extends his left hand to her. "Get up."
Wolf: darlings.
Wolf: Mein Leibelings.
Vanna tries to stand, but stumbles again.
Michael looks at all the injured people.
>: Matthew hugs Ellen tightly, Ellen having a fake smile on her face.
A.A.B Thel walks over to Vanna, helping her up.
A.A.B: T: Are you alright?
>:: E: Lets go see if we can help...
Vanna shakes her head, quivering.
>: Ellen runs to the explostion.
Wolf stares at her, dullily...not feeling too good at the moment.
Wolf picks his kids up, putting them on his shoulders and walking casually.
>: The small hotel burns, people inside scream as they burn.
>: People rush patients out of the small hospital as it cautches fire due to it being next to the hotel.
Michael: This town's going to hell.
A.A.B Thel rushes over to them, trying to help out the best he can.
Michael notices the small hospital on fire.
Michael: Bullshit.
A.A.B: Mhm..Over one explosion.
>: People get buckets of water from the well and try putting it out.
Vanna regains her sense and begins running again.
A.A.B turns back to Vanna. "H-Hey!"
Wolf watches...and sets his children down.
Vanna realizes she's covered in blood and stops, as the deep cut from the wire extends from her wrist all the way up past her elbow pours blood onto her t shirt.
>:: Ellen: You! Little people! Stay here while your dad and I try to help!
>: she joins with the people trying to put out the fire.
Wolf watches Ellen, wondering if he should...
>:: Matthew: I wanna help!
A.A.B Thel returns back from the smoke, several people in hand, letting them onto the floor.
A.A.B: T: Most are alive..the rest are unfortunate.
Vanna passes out, losing a fatal amount of blood.
Wolf: You are too young...
>: screams come from the house on top of the house, then suddenlt, the supports under that house that was hanging over the cliff break and part of the house tumbles down the cliff.
>:: on top of the hill*
A.A.B: These people are gone Thel. Nothing We can do about it now.
>:: D: *To Vanna.* Hey, you. Wake up. Stay awake.
Wolf: Mein Leibelings...close your eyes
A.A.B he sighs in sadness. "Lets get out of here."
Vanna groans and opens her eyes, looking up at Dominic.
Vanna: Run away..
>: sets her on her back, bandageing her arm up with his pocket health kit he carries around. It bears a worn out Amrahd symbol.
Vanna: He's.. coming..
Vanna has tears rolling down her cheeks.
>:: D: Who is?
A.A.B Thel walks over to Alexander, placing him onto his shoulders, Thel grifieingly saying, "Sadly these people do not remember me as much.."
A.A.B He begins to walk away from the so-called town.
Vanna coughs.
>: Matthew watches the chaos as Joshua closes his eyes.
>: Dom didn't notice his home yet.
>: The gas station explodes.
A.A.B: T: Sadly I do not remember the people as well.
Wolf: You are too young...
Vanna: I'm.. so.. sorry.. Dominic...
Vanna passes out again, before she can explain how she knows who he is.
>:: Dom: Wha- *He continues working on her arm.*
A.A.B they approach up to Dominic.
>: Mathew ignores Johann and watches.
Wolf sighs...
>: Shooting is heard going on at the gas station then it ceases are trucks drive away.
Vanna A few helicopters can be seen hovering overhead.
Vanna Random civilians fall to the ground as they are sniped from above.
Michael looks at the helicopters, and begins to run to any cover left.
Michael: Shit, shit shit.
A.A.B observes the helicopters above. "Wonder what their up to.."
>:: Jake: Ellen! In here! Quick! *Ellen runs into Jake's home.*
>: Joshua and Matthew scream as they hear the shooting.
Wolf picks up his children, and take them to cover.
A.A.B they hover over Dominic.
A.A.B: T: The woman is dead, or injured?
>:: D: Injured, she should be okay.
Vanna A few bullets barely miss Dominic, obviously an intention warning.
>: Dominic falls over, and scrambles away from Vanna.
A.A.B turns around.
A.A.B thel places Alexander on the ground, and readies his warhammer.
Wolf keeps them covered.
Michael leans out of his cover to take a potshot at the helicopter cockpit.
A.A.B: T: Watch this.
A.A.B Thel throws his warhammer at a helicopter with great force.
Michael: *Your possibly going to lose that hammer*
Vanna wakes up, among the chaos, and weakly stands.
Wolf holds his people
>:: Jake: I haven't seen you in so long Ellen.
>:: Ellen: I kno- Shaun?! you're here to?!
A.A.B sees the hammer hit the tail of the chopper.
>:: Shaun: Ai. *He glares at Jake.*
>:: D: My house...Maria! Stephanie!
A.A.B: Did you have to show off?
>: Dom runs to his home.
Wolf stands up, climbing out with his kids
A.A.B: T: It helps...I wish I can smile once more..
>: Trucks begin pulling up intown. More blockade the roads.
Wolf: Stay close.
>: They begin taking people by force, shooting anyone who tries to attack them.
A.A.B: T: Look!
Vanna attempts to run to the town, but is slowed down by her injuries.
>: They break down Jake's house's door. They scream for them all to get into the truck, they knock Jake and Shaun unconcious and drag Steph and Ellen into the truck by their hair. Lisa screams as the throw her in without her bear. Her bear lays on the ground, alone.
A.A.B he berserk charges down to the town, crashing and tackling anything thats in his way.
A.A.B rushes after, firing some rounds.
>: They fire at them.
>: Some men grab Johann and his kids.
A.A.B stays behind thel.
A.A.B He begins to rip apart the people firing at them.
Michael is the third major character not to get capture yet.
>: A man grabs Mi-
Vanna is dragged into one of the trucks.
>: a man grabs Michael and drags him into a truck.
Wolf growls, keeping his kids close.
A.A.B Thel chases after the man grabbing michael, "LET HIM GO!" He viciously yells.
>: A heli snipes Thel a tranquilizer and another man knocks out Alexander.
A.A.B falls over.
A.A.B Thel takes a brief hit, keeps moving, dazed.
>: A few trucks drive off once they're fully loaded with maximum capacity. Some trucks are even taking the dead bodies.
>: The sniper shoots another tranquilizer at Thel.
A.A.B he raises his fist at the man grabbing michael before getting hit again, he falls on the man.
Vanna The trucks pick up everybody in the town, shooting down everybody ele.
Vanna: *else
>: A bunch of men carry thel into a truck.
>: The trucks drive off, leaving the town empty and burning.
Vanna: *Everything goes black*
Wolf has, held his children close, weapons secreted.

Vanna Everyone soon wakes up in a room, completely empty handed. They have no weapons, just the clothes on their backs. The room is completely black with no windows and evidently no doors.
Michael looks around the room.
Michael: I can't see shit.
Wolf feels around for his kids...
A.A.B.: Shush.
Michael: Anyone there?
Vanna: I am.
>: His kids aren't htere.
A.A.B.: Someone can be observing us.
Wolf: Allooo?
Michael tries to feel for a wall.
A.A.B. lets out a loud "Shh!"
Vanna says something in Italian.
>:: Lauren: Where are we?
A.A.B.: Quiet quiet.
Michael touches the cold metal wall and slides along it, looking for a switch of some sort.
>:: Lauren: It's so cold in here. Where is my shit?
A.A.B. looks around, whispering. "Where is everyone? Tell locations.."
Vanna a robotic female voice can be heard over a scratchy loudspeaker repeating "System Failure," but it stops after a few minutes.
Michael more frantically searches for a light switch.
Michael: That can't be good.
A.A.B. shh's the person making sounds against the walls.
Vanna No lightswitches can be found.
A.A.B.: Quiet...Quiet.
Michael: What's the point of being quiet?
>:: Lauren: Okay, this is totaly not funny.
A.A.B.: Unless you want to get shot first, be my guest.
>:: Lauren: Where the fuck is my dad?
Michael: Why do you think we're gonna get shot?
Michael: There's not doors.
Michael: No doors.
Michael: No openin.....
Michael trails off.
A.A.B.: No light either.
Vanna The room suddenly lights up, revealing everybody to be in a clean, white room.
Michael: Vents?
>:: Lauren: Oh jesus christ! MY EYES!
Michael blinks.
>:: Lauren: My pupils don't dilate that fast!
Wolf opens his right eye...
Vanna The room is empty except for an observation deck closer to the high ceiling.
Wolf reaches into his coat, for his pistol with his left hand, to find an empty holster
Michael looks up.
Michael: What do they want from us?
Vanna hasn't said a word; she just sits in the corner, as if she's been through this a million times before.
A.A.B. the hat blocks the light, slowly moving his head towards the observation room.
Vanna stands up, brushing herself off.
Vanna: I'm sorry I had to put you all through this.
Wolf: /me's hat is cockeyed.
>:: Lauren: Hey, you. The girl with the whole calmness.
Wolf 's
>:: Lauren: You seem to know what's going on.
Vanna nods, observing the room.
Vanna: I don't think they've put me in this one yet...
Vanna: I can get out of most of them, though.
Vanna: Are you all alive and okay?
Vanna: Usually, I'm with a bunch of corpses..
A.A.B.: Yeah..wheres Thel?
Vanna seems to be talking more to herself.
Wolf: Yes. I am ine...
Wolf: fine...
Wolf: Where are my children?
>:: So, you know what's going on?
Vanna: Probably dead.
Michael slams his fist on the metal wall, cursing.
Vanna: That won't do any good..
A.A.B.: Ah shit..Not thel.
Wolf: are...
Wolf: Dead?
Vanna: I said probably, calm down.
Michael looks around for ANY sort of opening.
Vanna: Unless they can hold their arsenic well.
Wolf 's muscles tighten.
A.A.B.: Hey, calm down.
Vanna: Or do alright when exposed to high amounts of radiation...
Michael does he find any opening
>:: Lauren: Wait...what do you mean? Arsenic?
>:: Lauren: Oh god.
A.A.B.: Whatever is happening we need to work together.....and someoneo seems to know whats going on.
Vanna: You know, the poiso-
Michael: Where are we getting our air?
Vanna vents in the ceiling open up as a foggy gas fills the room.
Vanna: Oh god, nobody breath!
A.A.B. looks directly at Vanna. "So you show us what to do-"
Vanna: *breathe
>: Lauren drops to the ground.
Michael thinks "Well, there were vents.
A.A.B. quickly covers his mouth and nose with this scarf.
>: She stays low.
Wolf drops down, covering his mouth with a bandana
Michael hits the deck.
Vanna frantically searches around the room.
>: She begins to cough.
Wolf does not breathe.
Wolf does not breathe DEEP.
Vanna finds a latch on the ground and opens it.
Vanna: This way!
Wolf lowcrawls over.
Michael combat crawls over for some reason.
Vanna heads down into a hatch by way of a tall laddar in the ground.
A.A.B. ties the scarf into a knot, and stands up.
Michael: Great, we have to escape from god knows what in a facility god knows where.
Wolf follows along.
A.A.B.: Yup.
Wolf: What happened to my pistol?
A.A.B. follows third.
Michael grasps a rung on the ladder.
Michael: Maybe some creation's escaped.
>: Lauren begins to crawl but passes out.
A.A.B.: I say we hit the weapons deck first, then find any others.
Vanna gives Lauren a strange look.
Vanna: I'm pretty sure that gas was harmless..
Vanna: They like to play with people's minds.
Wolf catches her...
Wolf sighs... holding her.
Wolf: More vheight...
A.A.B.: Just drop her down.
Wolf: It is wrong to let women fall...
Michael climbs down the ladder.
Vanna reaches the bottom of the laddar, which is a long hallway.
Wolf has a set of morals...
A.A.B.: Not like that idiot.
Vanna: Its not that far down, you can make it!
A.A.B.: Hey, I've been frozen for who knows. I dont evne know what the hell is going on.
Wolf slides down.
Wolf: Same here.
Michael jumps off the ladder a couple of feet from the ground, landing just behind Vanna.
Wolf: Funny aint it?
Michael: Not much light.
A.A.B.: Well then you probally know more then me.
A.A.B. slides down the ladder.
Wolf wears cutoff gloves
Michael: We need flashlights or glowsticks or something, this hallway is dark.
Wolf: You
Wolf: Miss
Vanna: Its not too dark...
Wolf talks to vanna
Vanna: We'll be fine, follow me.
Michael: *The hallway's pretty dark.*
Wolf: What happened to my stuff.
Michael: How should she know?
A.A.B. follows along, fists prepared to punch at who knows what is coming.
Wolf: Those were heirlooms...
Vanna: I don't know.
Vanna: I'm sorry.
A.A.B.: Wait, what about others?
Vanna: Who?
A.A.B.: The kids? Thel'Adam?
Vanna: Probably in a different test chamber.
Michael: They're somewhere.
Michael: Right now isn't the time for questions.
Michael: We've got to get moving.
A.A.B.: Good point.
Wolf: My children...
A.A.B.: Relax buddy.
Wolf: Ellen, wheres Ellen?
Michael: *There is a fluorescent light flickering further down the hallway.*
Michael continues to move forwards.
Wolf: Was is das?
Michael: What the hell?
Michael looks at Wolf.
>:: Was ist das*
Wolf: ist,*
A.A.B. unties his scarf, and looks around.
Vanna: I'm sure you're all wondering whats happening to you..
Vanna: We're in a facility called Black Science.
Vanna: They're purpose is basically to do a series of tests on random people, in order to improve humanity.
A.A.B.: Reminds me of that pavano guy..nevermind, Lets get going.
Michael: Dieses ist gerade kompletter Bullshit, wir erhalten zu überleben, während andere Leute sterben, warum can' t gerade jeder Phasen?
Wolf: Th...thhhey burn...ssuch delicate tortures of the mind and soul.
Michael: What?
A.A.B.: What in the fuck is wrong with you?
Vanna: They do several social and mental tests, as well as physical tests.
Michael: Jedermann sprechen Deutsches?
Wolf: JA, sprechen Deutsch, but not often...
A.A.B. curses in italian.
Michael: Let's just keep movin'.
Vanna looks at Alex, understanding.
Vanna They come upon the end of the hall, which is just a door.
Michael: Oh gut. Das Ende.
Vanna: Alright, enough with the German.
Vanna: Lets get out of here...
Michael: That's russian!
Wolf: Wheres my gun?
Wolf: And my sword.
Vanna sighs, frustrated.
Michael looks at wolf.
A.A.B. kicks at the door
Vanna: Alright, have fun on your own.
Michael: Wer weiß?
Vanna turns around and seems to dissappear down the hall.
Michael turns back to the door.
Wolf sees Michael...
Wolf: ...
Michael: Hey genious, try the handle.
Wolf opens the door...
Michael was talking to alex
Vanna *The door leads to another hallway and a staircase, two options for a path"
A.A.B.: And what if something awaits us behind the door, what if a armed person?
Wolf: Then we all fuckin die.
A.A.B.: You either open or get shot, or kick it down and let it hit the person.
A.A.B.: Hm, Option two sounds better.
Michael: Hey, does it look like we have any choice anyways?
Wolf: Either way.
Michael: Just move!
Michael: Let's see.
Michael: The hallway is just straight forward.
Michael: Probably leads to a dead end.
Michael: We want to get to ground level.
Vanna Screams can be heard at the top of the stairs.
Wolf: UGH...
Michael: Hallway it is then!.
A.A.B.: C'mon, get moving.
Michael motions towards the hallway.
Wolf walks down the hallway...
A.A.B. follows along, watching their six.
Michael what do they come along
Vanna At the end of the hallway, there are two paths, left and right. At the end of one path is a door, at the other, another staircase.
Michael waits for screams at the top of the staircase.
Vanna: *Silence*
Michael turns towards alex and johann.
A.A.B. stops.
A.A.B.: Ah crap innersection..
Michael: We'll, we're in a pickle here.
Michael tries to open the door.
A.A.B. turns torwards them.
Vanna The female, robotic voice comes back onto the loudspeakers and repeats "System Failure" four times.
A.A.B.: Huh?
Michael: Not good.
Michael shakes the handle, but to no avail, it does not open.
A.A.B.: Second option is helpful to you know.
>: little kids screams can be heard.
A.A.B.: Must be your kids.
Michael: Upstairs.
Vanna The door opens to reveal a closet, out of which a corpse of a young woman resembling Vanna falls.
Michael: wha
Michael jumps back.
Michael: Fuck fuck fuck!
A.A.B. moves backward as the corpse falls onto her face.
Wolf looks at it...
Michael: Stairs! Go.
Michael: We got no business here.
A.A.B.: Lets move.
Michael rushes up the stairs.
Wolf says a few words under his breath, makes the cross, and goes up the stairs...
Wolf checks the closet first
A.A.B. walks to Wolf. "You alright?"
Vanna At the top of the stairs, another hallway leads to an open door, which leads to a room entirely filled with glittery water.
Michael: *You find a corpse, duh.*
>:: *Closet is empty besides the skeleton and a little pyramid with a heart on it.*
Wolf: Remembering ssssomething...
A.A.B.: Cmon man, We dont have time here.
Wolf takes the pyramid.
A.A.B. rushes up the stairs.
Michael: This room's filly with water.
Michael: Filled.
Wolf runs up the stairs.
Michael: Guys! Look!
Vanna Orange and pink fish swim around in the water.
Michael: A fishtank.
Michael: A big ass fishtank.
Michael: And we're at a dead end.
Vanna A small child sits in the corner of the room in the water, which is about three feet deep, and giggles at the fish.
Wolf looks at the child.
A.A.B. looks at the child.
Michael: Maybe we're supposed to swim across.
Michael is looking at the child.
Vanna The room has another door in it, which leads to another hallway.
Wolf walks towards him, holding out the pyramid
Michael: Again with the hallway.
Michael: s.
A.A.B.: I hate mazes.
>:: Lisa: Fishies! Come here pinky!
Wolf waves it.
>: The pink fish comes by, and her jaw opens wide and reveals sharp teeth as it devours the fish in seconds.
A.A.B.: Oh..holy shit..
Michael pushes Alex and Johann towards the door.
Michael: Time to go.
Vanna The next hallway is a balcony-type hall with a railing hovering over an even larger water pool; this one is about 30 feet deep. In it, there are large sharks. At the end of that hallway is a closed, but not locked door, through which crying can be heard.
Wolf grabs the child first.
A.A.B. kicks the door down.
Michael pushes the child off of Wo.f
Michael: wolf
Wolf carries lisa with him...
Michael: *
Wolf: STOP
Michael: It's a monster.
Wolf: She's just a child.
A.A.B.: That kid just ate a fish within seconds, shell bite your atm off.
Michael: You know.
Michael: Don't be an idiot.
>: She melts in acid.
Michael: This place is weird.
A.A.B. rushes and kicks johann away, making him drop the child before it melts.
Michael: Shut up!
Michael: Well shit.
Michael: Now there's a pool a sharks.
Michael: And a door.
Wolf: TttthIsss Willl Be a NigHt To Remember....
Michael elbows Johann.
A.A.B.: I saved your life asshole..anyway.
Wolf puts the pyramid in his pocket.
Michael: Don't act stupid.
A.A.B.: Climb the railings.
Michael: These scientists are trying to fuck us over.
Vanna Somebody observant could see a camera on the other side of the shark tank.
Michael: This is obviously an obstacle course.
Michael: They're watching us, probably right now!
A.A.B.: Alright, lets climb the railings.
Vanna The railing only leads to the shark tank.
Michael: If the sharks come for you, punch their noses.
A.A.B.: ...N-Nevermind.
Michael: We have to go.
Michael: Remember, punch their noses if they come near.
>: Ellen runs towards them, wires dangling from her skin. She screams from the top of her lungs towards Johann and them.
Wolf looks at her and runs towards her...
A.A.B.: What the fu-
A.A.B. turns around in shock.
Michael grabs Johann before he can.
Wolf: Ellen!
>: A tile opens up as a robot claw grabs her ankle and pulls her away, screaming as she is pulled into the tile and it seals shut.
Michael: She's a living bomb!
Wolf: LET GO!
Michael: It's too late.
Michael: We must go.
Michael: We have to get out of here anyways.
Wolf screams...
Wolf: ELLEN!!!
A.A.B. runs to them. "Jesus christ..
A.A.B.: What in the hell is going on.
A.A.B.: Robots, sharks, fucked up kid.
Michael: There's a door at the end of the fishtank.
Michael: And then there will be cake.
Michael: Nah not really.
Michael: But let's go.
Michael prepares the dive into the shark tank.
>: a body floats by in the shark tank. A door at the end of a hallway says TIXE
Wolf: Whad did to ellen...
A.A.B.: Woah.
A.A.B.: Hold it.
Michael: TIXE spells exit backwards.
A.A.B.: I know that. But still.
Michael: Do we have a choice?
A.A.B.: We dont know how fast these sharks can swim.
A.A.B.: Infact, that door can LEAD us into a trap.
Michael: Look at our options.
Vanna Suddenly, "Safety Dance" blares over the loudspeakers.
Michael: We can rave, or we can escape.
Vanna The music stops.
A.A.B.: Alright.
A.A.B.: Count to three.
Michael: One.
A.A.B.: We both go..
Wolf: EIN
A.A.B.: Two.
Wolf: ZWEI
>: Speakers beging to count with them.
Michael: Remember to punch theirn noses!
A.A.B.: Three! GO!
Wolf: DREI
Wolf rushes,
A.A.B. dives into and makes a fast swim.
>: Once they get in, the wate begins to drain.
Michael dives into it, swimming towards the door intently.
>:: water*
Michael slows down a little, noticing the water draining.
A.A.B.: Oh what the hell..!
Michael looks to see if the shakrs are swimming to them.
>: something tugs Alex's leg.
A.A.B.: What the-
A.A.B. looks to see what is.
>: The water continues to drain, the body gets pulled under by the suction.
>: the water is too murkey to see.
Michael reaches the door.
A.A.B.: The hell? Its not letting go.
Wolf keeps going.
>: The water begins to become a whirl pool.
A.A.B. begins to pull his leg away.
>: It pulls tighter.
A.A.B.: Ohh SHIT!
Michael tries to rip the door open, almost ripping it off it's hinges.
A.A.B. struggles to get free.
>: it stops blood from going into his leg.
A.A.B.: Fuck!
Wolf: Hell has no form! It bends to my whim!
>: The water stops and the thing lets go.
A.A.B. is pushed away due to the force he used to push the "thing" away.
>: The sign TIXE turns toECNERTNE
Vanna: Loudspeaker Woman: You are not useless. You are not useless. Ou are not useless. U are not useless. Are not useless. Useless. Useless. Useless.
A.A.B. limps to the door.
Wolf opens the door.
Wolf: Entrance?
>: The door shuts behind them once they enter.
Michael had already opened the door.
Michael: So many cliches.
A.A.B.: Agh my leg..
Michael: So many conincidences.
Michael: They don't want to kill us.
Michael: They don't.
Michael: They're testing us.
>: There is a glass box in the middle of the room with the word sacrafice on it.
Michael: Our physical and mental abilities.
Wolf: of the four...
>: The glass box's door opens.
Michael looks at the box.
A.A.B.: Wait..
>: it can fit one person only.
A.A.B. limps to them.
A.A.B. sighs deeply. "Shall we draw straws..gentlemen?"
Michael: We don't have straws.
Wolf sets Lauren down.
>:: Speaker: Ten. Nin- *static* Five.
Michael: Put her in there.
>:: Speaker: Four.
A.A.B.: ..Ehg.
>:: Speaker: Three. Three. Three.
Michael: Now!
A.A.B. grabs her and throws her in there.
>:: Speaker: Two. Two.
Wolf stares..
>: The door closes once shes in.
A.A.B.: I hate..hurting women.
>:: Speaker: Thank you for your purchase.
A.A.B.: Purch..
Wolf: I want my guns...
Wolf: My Family.
>: The glass box rises into the ceiling but gets stuck halfway, high enought for them not to be able to reach it, even if they jump.
Michael: What was the point of this?>
A.A.B.: I dont know.
>:: Speaker: Warning. Jam. Warning. Jam. System Failure. Please Reboot.
A.A.B.: But whatever happend..couldve possibly saved her life, or ours.
>:: Speaker: Please rewind the tape.
Michael: You rewind the tape!
Michael is talking to the speaker.
A.A.B.: Yelling wont do anything.
A.A.B.: Lord himself wont save us..cmon, lets get going.
Michael: Going?
Michael: Where?
Vanna The glass box, when it rose up, left a hole in the ground.
Wolf takes out the pyramid...
A.A.B.: To wherever this leads.
Michael: Put the pyramid back,.
Michael: In your pocket.
Michael: Let's go.
Vanna The glass box begins to turn red and starts smoking.
Wolf: Why?
Michael points at the box.
Wolf climbs down in.
Michael: THat's why!
Vanna The loudspeaker starts counting down from 10
A.A.B. walks to the hole..and looks up.
A.A.B.: Ah..shit.
>: Lauren screams.
Michael climbs into the hole.
A.A.B. jumps down.
A.A.B. yells a "Sorry!" before jumping.
Vanna Melted glass slowly drips from the box, and Lauren melts.
A.A.B. yells from down the hole. "Get the fuck down here!"
Vanna The hole in the ground starts to close up slowly.
A.A.B.: Cmon! Jump!
Michael out of the hole and at the bottom.
>:: Speaker: After 9 months, the child is ready to be born.
Vanna The "room" they dropped into looks like it was an accident; its just a dirty tunnel.
>:: Speaker: Once the sperm reaches the egg.
>: The speaker fades away once the whole above them closes.
Wolf hopes for the best..
A.A.B.: I'm sorry. I had to.
Vanna Suddenly, a horrible smell fills the tunnel.
Vanna Vanna stands at the end of the tunnel, and seems to be glowing.
Wolf: Mhm.
Michael disconnected.
Wolf: Go BaCk oR be lOst Forever.
A.A.B.: You, creep me out.
A.A.B.: Passed out person, down to two of us.
Wolf has a fire in his eyes...
Vanna Glowing Vanna picks up Michael and carries him away.
A.A.B.: Hey!
>: A glowing neon sign is seen at the end of the tunnel.
Vanna Glowing Vanna dissappears in the opposite direction.
Wolf: ...
A.A.B.: Shit..shit.
A.A.B.: I'm going after him.
>: A voice can be heard towards the neon sign.
A.A.B.: If you want to go that way, be my guest.
Wolf goes towards the sign..
A.A.B.: Adios Amigo.
A.A.B. runs towards the direction vanna ran into.
Vanna A fire spontaneously breaks out between Alex and the direction glowing Vanna went in.
A.A.B. moves back, covering himself. "Ah shit!"
>: Dom, Maria, Thel, Steph, Matthew, Joshua, Ellen, Jake, Shaun, are all tied to metal tables behind bullet proof Glass. A computer/Terminal sits on a desk infront of the glass.
A.A.B.: I'm gonna..HATE this!
A.A.B. sprints..
>:: You have 5 Credits! You may take 5 Souvinears to take home!
Wolf: Ooh!
Wolf checks in
>: It flicks up to six, then down to four, then back to 5.
>: The people behind the unbreakable glass's names are on the Terminal.
A.A.B. sprints out of the fire?
Wolf buys Ellen, Matthew, and Joshua...
Wolf: /mw buys Maria as well
>: You have one credit left!
Wolf also buys Dom.
>:: Are you sure? You will no longer be able to take any of the others home!
Wolf hits Yes.
>: of the others flickers
Vanna disconnected.
>:: Thank you for your purchase! *Dom, Maria, Ellen, Matthew, and Joshua
>:: 's tables ship away.*
Wolf types in "Query: What happened to my weapons?"
>: Thel, Jake, Shaun, and Steph lay on the tables, squermy and screaming for help.
>:: Terminal: Pudding took them.
A.A.B.: T: Once I get out of this, I will rip your gut out!
>:: Terminal: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Wolf types "Query: Can I get them back?"
>: Their tables ship out next.
Vanna entered chat.
>:: Terminal: God Yzal eht revo spmuj xof nworb kciuq eht.
Wolf looks for an exit.
>: The glass slides up, allowing them to go into the room the tables went.
Wolf goes in.
A.A.B. seemingly sprints out of the fire, appearing in ...?
>: Alex appears in the same room as Johann.
>: An Elevator awaits for them and on the floor says Thank you.
A.A.B.: What the?
Wolf goes into the elevator, after taking anything that may be in the room.
A.A.B.: Wait up!
A.A.B. rushes to the elevator.
>: Nothing was in the room.
>: The elevator goes up and a gust of wind hits them as they arrive in a parking lot.
Wolf looks atound.
A.A.B.: Woah.
A.A.B.: Wait..
A.A.B.: Wheres Thel?
Wolf: around*
Wolf ignores Alex.
A.A.B. walks around, looking around, repeadily.
>: A shopping car flys down at them, with Dom inside.
>: Then a bunch of them come flying down the parking lot at them with their friends inside.
>:: cart(
>:: cart**
Wolf amilwa...
A.A.B.: Shit!
A.A.B. dodges the stampede of the shopping carts.
Wolf smiles...
Vanna A sixth shopping cart containing Michael flies at them.
Wolf picks up his family members, looking around for his guns still.
Vanna A large, luxurious looking bus is sitting near the edge of the parking lot, engine running.
Wolf goes towards it.
A.A.B. walks up to thel. "You alright man?"
A.A.B.: T: I've been putted in a shopping cart..and I went flying down..What else?
Wolf: Come on guys;;
A.A.B. He gets up from the shopping cart. "Good to see you in no harm."
A.A.B.: Same to you.
Vanna Singing can be heard from the bus.
>: Everyone gets up and head towards the bus but stop.
Wolf gets in
A.A.B. they walk towards the bus.
A.A.B.: I dont trust this one bet..but..Gotta' take my chance.
Vanna is standing at the bus's sink, singing to herself as she washes dishes.
A.A.B. they both get in.
>:: D: Hello again..
Wolf: Wheres our stuff.
Vanna jumps as she drops the dish.
Vanna: Whose there?!
A.A.B.: T: Sorry for the disturbance..I am quite big for this bis.
A.A.B.: bus=
Vanna looks at them, terrified.
>:: D: Remember me?
>:: D: Dominic? You knew my name?
Vanna nods.
>:: Jake: Has anyone seen lauren?!
Vanna: You... they talked about you a lot..
Wolf looks around
A.A.B. looks over to jake, and sadly talks to him. "Dead. Shes dead."
>:: Jake: Me?
>:: Jake: Lauren?
>:: Ellen: No....
A.A.B.: I'm sorry.
Wolf: Ellen...
Vanna: Wh-what are you all doing here?
Vanna: Did they give it to you too?
A.A.B.: Uhm.
Wolf: Miss...
A.A.B.: If you want sit on the roof, itll be fine.
Wolf: What happens to our stuff?
Vanna: I don't know who any of you are, except him.
Vanna points to Dominic.
A.A.B.: Sorry..Names Alex. Alexander.
Vanna: Did they..
Vanna looks around, as if afraid of being watched.
>: Ellen hold her stomach.
Vanna whispers, "Did they do it to you too?"
>:: E: Can we just get out of here?
Wolf looks at Ellem
>:: Dom: did what?
Vanna: The test..
Wolf: Ellen*
Wolf: Yes./
Wolf: On all of us.
Vanna: So you're all carriers, then, I guess?
A.A.B.: Carriers?
Vanna: Seeing as you aren't dead..
Wolf: Cariers of what?
A.A.B.: T: I dont understand.
A.A.B.: One of us is dead.
Vanna: They did the infection test, didn't they?
Vanna: They did it to my whole family...
A.A.B.: Infection test?..
Wolf: did the room fill with an ominous gas?
Vanna: They.. they put us in this roo-
Vanna: Yeah!
Wolf: What does this infection do?
Vanna: And then, one by one, they started to get sick..
A.A.B.: I'm perfectly fine..I covered myself when that happpend.
Wolf: same
Vanna: Only two of us survived..
Vanna: And then, we were radiation tested..
Vanna: And she died..
Vanna tears up..
Vanna: She- She talked about you all the time.
Vanna looks at Dominic.
Vanna: She really loved you.
>:: D: Who?
Vanna: Christine...
>: Maria stands next to him, and a look of jelousy comes to her face when Vanna says Christine.
>: Dominic gets a very depressed look on his face.
A.A.B.: Lets get out of here man. I think I've seen enough for awhile.
Wolf puts his hat over his chest...having respect for the girl...
A.A.B. They both exit the bus.
>:: Shaun: Who the fuck is Christine?
Vanna has tears on her cheeks.
A.A.B. they walk away from the bus.
A.A.B.: T: I still wish my old mentor lived.
A.A.B.: Wondered if he was cool.
Vanna: After everyone else died, I managed to escape the facility..
>: Dominic begins to tear up.
Vanna: I made it to the city, but then I realized I had a bomb hooked up to me.
Vanna: I killed all those people..
Vanna: And then they came back.
Vanna: They need me, they don't understand why I'm so resistant to their radiation testing.
Vanna: We're being watched right now as we speak.
Wolf: Where are our things?
Vanna: How am I supposed to know?!
>:: Ellen: Can we..get out of here?
Wolf searches through the drawers.
Vanna: Hey!
Vanna: Stop it!
Vanna: Those are my things!
Vanna: I DON'T KNOW!
Vanna: Do I LOOK like I know where things are around here?
A.A.B.: Say, Where the hell are my weapons?
Wolf growls, reaching into his coat.
>:: Ellen: Lets start the bus..
Vanna: I don't have the key..
Vanna: They don't want me escaping.
>:: D: How is the bus running then?!
Vanna points to a generator outside of the bus that hooks up to it.
Vanna: The power isn't actually through the bus..
>:: Jake: Wow...
>:: Joshua: I wanna go home Daddy!
>:: Matthew: Mommy! I'm scared!
Wolf hugs his children...
A.A.B.: If only the people I've met werent such assholes..
Wolf climbs out of the vehicle, and sits down...
A.A.B.: And the sacrifce..I'm still saddend I just thrown her in. It shouldve been me killed.
Vanna: Does anybody know how to hotwire this thing?
A.A.B.: T: One small sacrifice to save many...She served her cause to live now.
Wolf: I could...
>:: Ellen: You...killed her?!
Wolf: ...
Wolf walks around
Vanna: I hope they know about the electromagnetic fence...
A.A.B. they approach a fence. "Just bust it over, like old times."
A.A.B.: T: Are you retarded?

>: The dark clouds form above as a storm approaches over the wasteland.
Michael looks at the gray sky.
Wolf snores silently, holding Ellen to his chest inside the camper, his kids playing somewhere.
Vanna looks around at all the strange faces in her tattered, decaying home of a bus.
Wolf prior to this... fall asleep on Ellen.
Fantomex points a sinew and narrow finger towards the condecending sky and murmers "Darkness looms over the land..."
Michael just outside the bus.
Wolf mumbles
Michael feels a drop.
Michael sees a sheet of rain coming down and hurries into the bus.
Vanna jumps at the sound of booming thunder.
Michael: It's coming down in buckets.
Vanna: Jesus!
Vanna gets up and begins frantically throwing things into a drawstring bag.
Wolf Wakes.
Wolf: Huh!
Vanna: I'm pretty sure the last place you wanna be in a thunderstorm is a tin can, AKA this bus.
Wolf: Where to then?
Michael: Aren't the tires inflated?
Fantomex flips a coin within the palm of his pale hand and murmers callously "Time to rise and shine."
Michael: If they are we'll be safe.
Wolf nudges Ellen.
>:: E: Huh..wha?
Michael: Doesn't really matter anyways because Tires are rubber.
Wolf: Thundr' stoahrm.
Vanna: There are no tires!
Wolf sits up
Vanna: They don't want me LEAVING!
Wolf looks on the floor for ceramic tiles.
>: Ellen grabs her stomach and groans in pain.
Vanna throws the bag over her back.
Vanna: I'm getting out of here...
Michael: How?
>:: E: Oh..god...ow...
Wolf climbs out as well
Wolf: Oh, dear! Are you okay?
Fantomex grits his teeth slightly as he peers through the lense of a sophisticaed hunting scope "In my sights" he whispers to himself.
Wolf touches her cheek.
Michael disconnected.
Wolf stands up
>:: E: I think..
Michael entered chat.
Vanna looks around, standing outside in the pouring rain.
>: Blood trickles down her leg.
Michael: You're going to die of hypothermia.
Vanna: Gotta get pat that fence...
>:: E: I think I'm having a misscarage...
Wolf: Wha...
Wolf: You're pregnant?
Michael looks at wolf.
Fantomex has changed their name to Doctor Faustus.
Wolf: Oh, phew...
Michael explodes.
>:: E: I gusse so...oh god..
Wolf looks at her...
Vanna begins to run away, toward the large facility.
Michael watches her run.
Michael: Maybe we should go too guys.
Michael: She said there were no tires.
Doctor Faustus grunts and chuckles to himself in an chilling and sardonic manner "Wear a raincoat next-time."
Michael: That mean's we're fucked.
>: Dominic follows behind Vanna.
Wolf pulls her up...
>: Maria follows Dominic.
Wolf: Can I carry you?
>:: Steph: Should we follow them?
>:: E: Yes..please..
Michael cautiously walks out of the bus and beings following Maria.
Doctor Faustus: Frankly, I beleive we shouldn't have even come to this abandonded facillity in the first place.
Wolf lugs her out...
>:: Steph: We were taken here. Remember?
Doctor Faustus: No, I've got this massive headache that is frankly wearing me down and impairing my memory.
Vanna reaches the facility.
Wolf disconnected.
Vanna: Alright, everybody stay here..
>:: D: Why?
>:: M: What are we doing here?
Vanna: I'm gonna turn off the fence.
Vanna: Hey, you followed me.
Michael looks on the ground and sees pliers/wire cutters or something
Doctor Faustus has changed their name to Scott Summers.
Scott Summers has changed their name to Fantomex.
Vanna shakes her head.
Vanna: Don't cut it, it'll blow up.
Vanna then turns and hoists herself up through a window.
Vanna clumsily makes it through, slipping a bit but managing to catch herself.
Fantomex chews on a toothpick whilst watching the companions through his binoculars.
Michael adjusts his hat, putting the rim more over his face to protect it from the rain.
>:: Lisa: Lollipop of lolli lolli lolli!
>:: oh*
>: Lisa plays in a puiddle.
>:: Steph: Get back in the bus Lisa! You'll get sicK!
Vanna Lightning cracks the sky.
Fantomex: [French] How do these Americans say..I forgot my sentance.
>:: Lisa: But I wanna play!
Vanna screams from inside the building, and the sound of the fence powering down is heard.
>:: Steph: Lisa! No-
Vanna A rabbit hops through the fence, but doesn't die.
>: lightning strikes the bus, causing it to explode.
Michael: Woah woah woah!
Michael nearly falls down.
Fantomex chews his toothpick furiously and his brow curls slightly at the explosion "Hmph, at least they're competant."
Vanna does not return to the group.
>: Lisa flys and cracks her neck on the ground. A shard flys at Maria and stabs into her stomach.
>: Wolf,Ellen,and Stpeh crawl out of the reck along. Matthew and Joshua scream as they burn still inside the bus.
>: Dominic panics while trying to save his pregant wife and the baby.
>:: E: Somone save the kids!
>:: Steph: Lisa!
Vanna The speakers blare "Warning. Warning. Warning. System failure. System failure. System failure. Automatic self destruction in 10... 9.. 8....."
Fantomex dashes towards the group with a tazer clutched within his right-hand and a playing card within the other.
Michael gets whacked with a panel flying from the bus in the face.
>:: Jake: Fuck! Michael!
Vanna The speakers continue to count down.
Michael grabs the panel as he sees Fanto approaching them.
Vanna: S: 5
Michael begins to run.
Vanna: S: 4
Michael away
Vanna: S: 3
>: Shaun drags Ellen away from an Unconsious Wolf.
>:: E: No! Let go of me!
>: Dom stays with his wife, crying.
Vanna The speakers stop counting and start beeping loudly.
Vanna A truck breaks through a closed garage door and speeds over to the group of people.
Vanna: ???: GET IN!
Fantomex: [Butchered English] How do I say, American Cliche?
>: Steph drags Lisa away as Jake carries Michael to the truck.
>: Dominic picks up Maria and Carries her.
Vanna is in the bed of the truck, unconscious.
Fantomex steathliy attaches his clip to underneath the truck and hoists himself in a comfortable position.
Fantomex: Stowaway.
Michael rubs the area where the panel whacked him in the face.
Michael: Fuck that hurt.
Vanna ??? waits for everyone to get in, then drives to Michael.
Vanna: ?: Get IN!
Michael is in the truck agdgshhgsd
Michael has already been in it.
Vanna speeds away, getting just enough distance before the entire facility explodes, sending firing debris flying everywhere.
Michael gets hit with another panel of debris.
Vanna: *???
Michael: OUch.
Michael: *A box lands in the bed of the truck.*
Vanna Mystery woman appears to be in her mid twenties, and is wearing a tight black sweat suit with a skull and crossbones on the back of it.
Michael: *It hits the cab and opens, then flies out sending journals and papers all over the bed of the truck.*
Vanna drives a safe distance, and stops, nearing another town.
Vanna: *???
>:: Dominic: Can someone help my pregnant wife fo- No! Help Lisa! Please! She didn't even get to start her own life!
Sarah grips the steering wheel, breathing heavily.
Sarah: That.. was.. AWESOME.
>:: Steph: ...........
Sarah: Everyone okay?
>:: Steph: No! Lisa is gasping for air!
>:: Dom: My wife has a big ass shard in her and she's pregnant!
Fantomex: [French] Oh My God...
Sarah: Well, I apologize, but the damn facility had to come down/
Sarah: Not my fault you all were there.
>: Jake glares at Shaun as Shaun holds Ellen.
Sarah pulls out a silver handheld gadget with a small keyboard attached and types furiously on it.
Sarah looks up, and coughs awkwardly.
>: The truck gets stuck in the mud.
Sarah The truck was stopped in front of a town.
Michael disconnected.
Michael entered chat.
Sarah: I don't mean to be rude, but.. uh...
Sarah: Don't you all have somewhere to be?
Michael: We don't know what to do.
Sarah: I mean, I've got stuff to get done.
>:: Dom: Our town was destroyed...
Sarah: I'm on a tight schedule.
Sarah: Lots of places to blow up.
Michael: Oh and.
Michael: Your truck is stuck.
Sarah: Theres a.. er.. lovely little town you guys could go.
Sarah says "lovely" with a tone of sarcasm.
Fantomex left chat.
Fantomex entered chat.
>: Steph completly blacks out.
Fantomex left chat.
Sarah: Awesome...
Sarah mumbles to herself.
Sarah: Well, can I drop you guys off somewhere?
Michael: Yes, this "Lovely" little town you're talking about.
Sarah: Well, I'm not going into it, but I can drive you up to the border.
Sarah: I probably shouldn't show my face there...
Sarah drives a few yards to the border of the town.
Sarah: Alright, everybody out.
Michael climbs out of the truck.
>: Steph sits there, not moving or blinking. Dominic runs to ttown looking for a doctor, panicing.

>: The sun burns high in the sky as the ground burns anyone's who lets their skin touch it.
Sarah: Is everyone out?
Michael: Yeah.
Sarah hops out and goes to the bed of the truck, where it is now revealed that Vanna is tied up and unconscious.
Sarah checks the ties on her wrists, making sure they're tight enough.
Sarah: Well, later, then.
Sarah gets back into the truck.
Michael tries to find shade.
Sarah starts it up and winds up the window.
>: Steph,Lisa,Dom,Mary,Johann,Ellen,Shaun,and Jacob are gone in the town looking for a doctor.
Sarah speeds off, and Vanna rolls over in the back and slams into the side of the truck.
Michael looks around the town.
Emmers! has changed their name to Christopher.
Michael sighs. "So this is where I end up."
Michael: A shitty town with no gun shop.
>:: *Sand and dead tress surrond the town. The little buildings and homes are made of dried mud."
Christopher squints in the sun, standing outside of a small shop.
Michael shoves his hands into his pockets.
Michael feels if there is anything in there.
Michael oddly enough pulls out his old 1911A1 and smiles. "Least I still got this."
>:: Shaun: Oi! Watch it boy! *Bumping into Chris*
Michael loads it and cocks it.
Christopher mumbles "Sorry" half-heartedly.
>: Shaun ignores him and continues walking.
Michael adjusts his cap, as he looks back across the dunes of the desert.
Michael: I guess this is where I start off again.
Christopher pulls out a picture from the inside of the very nice suit he's wearing and looks at it, then looks up.
A.A.B. sleeps under a tree, with a rusty iron half-plate tied onto the tree, serving as a roof over Alex.
Michael looks at notices a glinting object in a sand dune.
Michael: and*
Michael walks over to it and roughly pulls it out, turning out to be a blue crowbar.
Christopher continues through the town, holding the picture and examining the faces.
Michael: I'll need this later.
Michael shoves his pistol into its holster and holds the crowbar with two hands.
>: Stephanie sobs on the floor of the cornor of a building.
>:: outside*
Christopher stops, near Stephanie, and looks down at her.
Christopher: Er.. Are you alright?
>:: Steph: Huh? What? *Wipes her tears away quickly.*
Christopher: You're crying, whats wrong?
>:: Steph: Everyone is dieing around should get away from me..
Christopher shrugs.
Christopher: I'm not too worried.
Christopher holds out his hand to help her up.
>: she takes it and stands.
Christopher smiles at her, caught off guard by how pretty she is.
>:: Steph: I better go find Dominic before he does something stupid after Christine..
Michael tries to open a locked door to a shed.
Christopher: Christin- Are you Stephanie McMurry?
>:: Steph: Yeah, why? Wait. How do you know my name?
Christopher looks at the picture again, and then curses.
Michael wedges the sharp end into the door slot.
Christopher: I have to go..
A.A.B. wakes up and walks into the town.
Christopher turns and walks away.
>:: Steph: That's not weird or anything.
Michael pushes/pulls whatever.
Michael nearly breaks the door when it opens.
Michael looks inside the musty shed and cautiously walks in.
Michael looks at the assorted pots and gardening tools.
>:: Steph: Hey! Come back here!
>: she chases after him.
Christopher begins to run.
Michael looks at the bags of mulch.
Christopher: W: Hey! *to Michael* Get out of my house!
Christopher A very fat black woman is behind a shelf in the shed, completely naked.
A.A.B. looks at the "Shed" Michael busted up.
Michael: Woah what the fuck.
Michael runs out.
Christopher: W: OUT! OUT! OUT!
Christopher The woman cackles.
>: Steph runs but screams as a horse drawn carriage nearly runs her down, it only swearves quickly and the carriage falls over on top of Steph.
A.A.B. listens to the screamings heard in there. "...The hell?"
Michael: *Due to such fatness, she explodes.*
Christopher stops, seeing what happened!
Christopher: *.
Christopher turns around and runs back.
Christopher: Stephanie!
Michael busts up another shed and walks in.
Michael flicks on a light.
A.A.B. walks right behind michael, the laser sight pointing right at his spine. "Turn around."
Christopher *a flock of bats all turn and look at Michael, blinded by the light*
>: a chicken clucks and runs around after excaping from the broken carriage.
Michael looks at Alex.
Christopher pulls the carriage off of Stephanie.
Michael: What do you want?
A.A.B.: Oh, its you.
Christopher: Are you alright?!
A.A.B. holsters his weapons and points to the bats.
>:: Steph: Oh god... Hold on...I think my wrist is broken. *Hits it agenst the floor* There. It's fixed.
Michael: Course it's me, i'm the only one who actually has the nerve to bust up every damn door in this town.
Christopher: You're just like your mother...
A.A.B.: Oh so now you follow my rule huh>
A.A.B.: ?-
Michael: Rule?
Michael: What's your rule.
A.A.B.: Back at wherever.
A.A.B.: Bust down a door?
A.A.B.: Bring any memories?
>:: Steph: My mom? I never met her...or do you mean my mom that adopted me?
Michael: It's already gone in my mind-trashcan.
Christopher: Christine.
A.A.B.: Sure. Sure.
>:: Really? I don't think so..
A.A.B.: Now lets get out of here before the bats try and fuck us up, yes?
Michael: Or you can fuck the bats up.
A.A.B.: Good idea.
A.A.B.: Move aside.
Michael steps aside.
Christopher: That little wrist maneuver was a famous trick of hers.
>: in the distance, a large cloud or sand heads towards the town.
A.A.B. unholsters his thompson and begins spraying bullets at the bats.
>:: of*
>:: Steph: It's the only thing I learned from her...
Michael: *Bloods flies everywhere.*
Michael: *The roof of the shed is now swiss cheese.
Michael: Hey!
Michael: We better get to shelter.
Christopher: You don't happen to know where your mother is, do you?
Michael anything.
>:: Steph: She's dead..
Christopher O.o's.
Christopher: No...
Michael: *The bats are dead.*
Michael: *And all the pants are dead and the ground was not pretty*
>:: Steph: What? What is it?
Michael watches the dust storm.
Michael exits the shed.
Christopher: I just.. can't believe she's dead.
Michael grabs Alex, and pulls him out of the shed.
>:: Steph: ...I know...
Michael: That shed's full of holes, won't do us no good when that storm comes along.;
Christopher: I'm so sorry for your loss.
>:: *the dust storm is 5 minutes away*
A.A.B.: Well.
A.A.B.: Lets head for a bar.
Michael laughs.
Michael: What bar?
>:: Steph; Thanks..
Michael: There's no bar in this small town.
A.A.B.: You're telling me theres no...
Michael: Ohoh
Michael: oh
Michael: Hold on a sec.
>:: *The wind picks up and the storm is one minute away.*
Michael pulls the whiskey bottle out of his pocket and hands it to him.
Michael: Now let's get to some cover.
A.A.B.: Oh.
A.A.B.: Haha.
A.A.B.: Lead the way.
A.A.B. takes the offer.
Michael walks over to an adobe.
Michael: Want to help me bust this open?
Christopher notices the dust storm on its way.
Christopher: We better get inside..
A.A.B.: Count to three.
Christopher stands up, and offers Stephanie a hand.
Michael: One..
A.A.B.: We kick it down.
A.A.B.: Two.
Michael: Two...
Michael: THREE
>: Steph takes it and gets up.
A.A.B. kicks the door with all of his might.
Michael slams his body against it, knocking it off it's hinges with Alex's help.
Michael: Both ways work.
A.A.B. hurries inside.
Christopher: Come on, theres a motel down this street. I've got a room there..
Michael pushes the door back in place.
Michael looks to see if anyone else is inside.
>: Steph grabs his hand and holds onto it.
A.A.B.: I'll search for some bolts.
Christopher smiles at her.
A.A.B. looks around for a nailgun, and bolts hopefully.
Christopher: Are you here with anybody else?
>:: Steph: A lot of people...but we'll round them up later..we don't have time..
Christopher: Alright. Hopefully they get inside..
Michael: *Loose objects and light objects begin to fly around.*
A.A.B. picks up a nailgun off the floor and a clip full off nails. "Sa-weet."
Christopher walks into the motel.
A.A.B. walks to the door and nails it, not to much so it would be easy to break out once again.
Christopher: My rooms down this hall, unless you have the money to get your own.
A.A.B.: Hopefully It'll last...
>:: I don't.
A.A.B.: I'm not in the mood for some asshole to show up.
Christopher guides her down a hall to his room.
Christopher: Sorry, its a little messy..
Christopher unlocks the door and opens it up.
>: The storm hits, all the shacks are covered over with sand, as the buildings are only half covered.
>:: Steph: It's alright.
A.A.B. looks through the ground floor window. "Damn.."
Christopher looks out the window at the raging storm.
Christopher: Wow...
Michael: *Sand begins to rush through the front door, breaking the nails.*
Michael: Oh shit.
Michael backs away.
A.A.B. looks at the door. "Agh fuck a goat!"
Michael looks at Alex.
Michael: You would want to?
A.A.B.: Its just my saying when things get screwd up..Alright?
>:: Steph: did you know my name?
Christopher shakes his head.
Christopher: Long story.
A.A.B. looks around for an entrance to an attic.
>:: Steph: *LookIng at the window.* We have time.
Christopher: Your mom pissed a lot of people off.
Christopher: I knew her...
Christopher: She was wonderful, but she knew how to piss a person off.
Michael: *There is an attic entrance.*
Christopher: I was here in town sent by someone to find her.
A.A.B.: Hey, get over here.
Christopher: And I just happen to do my research.
A.A.B.: Unless you wanna be covered in sand, We go up to the attic.
Michael: It can't get up the steps you know.
>:: Steph: Oh. I see.
Michael: We've got a big bottom floor.
A.A.B.: You never know, but alright. I'll just check whats up here.
Michael sits outside the attic.
A.A.B. heads onto the attic, looking at all sorts of tools and crates.
A.A.B. picks up a knife and throws it down the attic, it stabs to the floor as Alex comes back down.
Michael grabs the knife.
A.A.B.: All I found was shit. Hows the storm coming in so far?
Michael: Umm
Michael looks outside the window, nearly filled to the bottom half with sand.
Michael: Still there.
Michael: Like
Michael: Every house is almost completely covered.
A.A.B. chuckles. "Sucks to be them."
A.A.B. sits down. "Best we can do now is wait it out."
Michael: Our house is too.
Michael: I said every house, you know.
Michael: Damn.
Michael: We'd need a fucking hazmat suit to go out there.
Michael: Power armor would get all gritty.
A.A.B.: And clothing will turn into shit.
A.A.B.: There is couple of crates in the attic, Didnt check what they contain though.
Michael: Let me go check.
Michael climbs in the attic.
Michael looks at the unchecked crates.
Michael breaks them open with the crowbar and looks inside.
Michael: *Most of them contain nothing.
Michael: *One contains three gas masks.*
Michael: Hmm..
Michael takes one.
Michael tosses one out of the attic.
A.A.B. catches the mask. "Thanks."
Michael: *A small hole in the attic has been feeding a pile of sand nearby.*
Michael: Yeah we sorta got a sand problem here.
A.A.B. climbs up. "What kinda- Ah what the hell.."
Michael: Yeah..
A.A.B. pushes a crate to the small hole.
A.A.B.: Hopefully itll block some..

>: The wind blows the desert sand. Life seems to be nonexistent outside of towns, but that's not the case. Radscorpians seems to be migrating west for some odd reason.
Michael shields his eyes as he watches a king radscorpion pass through the town.
Wolf slings his new equipment...
Michael: Fucking wow...
Wolf taps Micheal over the shoulder...
Wolf: Morning, sleepyhead
Michael is awake you dunce.
Wolf: Come on, say it
Wolf stares
Michael looks at Wolf.
Michael: What.
Emmers! - RECRUITING CHAT RPERS has changed their name to Chris.
Michael: Say what?
Wolf: I want to eat you now.
Wolf: Er, not really
>: Dominic staggers through the sand covered town, himself covered with sand.
Chris looks out the window, only to find that the sand is completely covering it.
Chris: Er... That could be a problem.
Michael: You're odd.
Wolf adjusts his jacket, and places a cloth around his mouth,
Wolf: Yeah,
Wolf: I've been getting up at night, while you were asleep.
Wolf: Thanks for lugging me around.
>:: Steph: Nah. Not at all. All we have to do is let the sand in and hope it's not high or we in here.
>:: die*
Chris shrugs.
Chris: Alright.
Michael cocks his shotgun.
Chris walks over to the window and forces it open, letting sand pour into the room.
Wolf: Hey, woah...
>: Ellen falls through the window, due to the sand pouring in under him.
Neutral stands up and aims his thompson. "The hell is going on?"
>:: her*
Michael: Shitloada radscorpions passing through the desert.
>:: Ellen: What the hell?! Who the hell are you?!
Chris looks at Ellen.
Michael: Tons of 'em outsidei n the town.
Chris: No time for twenty questions. We should probably get out of here.
Neutral: Oh. Huh.
>:: Ellen: Where the hell is Shaun and Jake and Johann?!
>:: Steph: Outside somewhere I believe.
Wolf kicks a window out.
Chris: Hopefully they aren't buried in sand.
Michael: *Sand pours all over Johann, covering him.*
Neutral chuckles. "Idiot."
Wolf blows sand out of his mouth, climbing out.
Wolf: ACK
Michael: Think twice.
Wolf: IS there an upstairs?
Chris climbs out the window, where the sand is packed enough that one can walk on it.
A.A.B: Well, Theres an attic if you want to cry alone.
Wolf sighs,
Chris holds out his hand to Steph.
Chris: Coming?
Wolf: Let me up there then.
>: Steph takes it and climbs up, Ellen behind her.
A.A.B: Sure.
A.A.B shows him the ladder the leads up to the attic.
A.A.B: Just dont move the crates.
Wolf climbs up in...
Wolf: can I get out through the ceiling?
A.A.B: Like I said. Dont move the crates.
A.A.B: Unless you want the same thing to happend again.
Wolf pulls away the crate anyway.
Chris begins walking, heading for nowhere in particular.
>: Dominic passes out on the sand, next to some strange Statue.
Michael: *Sand covers Johann AGAIN.*
Michael heads into the attic.
Wolf jumps through the window.
Wolf yells "ELLEN!"
>: Ellen screams "Who's yelling for me?!
Chris shrugs.
Michael: *There are radscorpions EVERYWHERE.*
Chris: Probably some crazy person.
Michael looks to Alex.
Wolf yells 'YOUR HUSBAND!"
Michael: Johann's the craziest bastard i've ever seen.
A.A.B: Uh-huh..
>:: E: Crap...
Wolf yells 'I'm fine!'
Chris: Is that a bad thing?
A.A.B: Of course your fine, Your screaming out the fucking attic when theres sand covering the whole village and radscoprions everywhere.
>:: E: Once you meet him, you'll understand. *She runs off away from everyone.*
Chris: Bye!
Wolf suddenly has the voice of Postal Dude.
>:: Steph: She'll be back in five seconds.
>:: Steph: She's bipolar with her men.
Chris chuckles.
Wolf doesnt, anyway.
Wolf: Where are you?
Michael: The scorpions are docile, they don't want to attack anyone.
Wolf climbs on the roof,
>:: Steph: It's always Shaun, Jake, and Johann. Sometimes others, but they only last a few hours.
A.A.B takes out the bottle of whiskey hes been given. "Heres to them if they dont attack?"
A.A.B: ..Or crawl in the house.
Wolf flails his arms
Michael: *A radscorpion (baby radscorpion) flies into his face.*
Chris reaches Michael's group.
Wolf an unknown force ressurects...ROCKET RAAAT!
Chris: Do you know them?
Michael: *'Michaels Group' is just him and Alexander.
Michael: Huh?
Wolf disconnected.
Michael: Do I know who?
Chris was talking to Steph.
A.A.B knocks out Johann as he keeps screaming.
A.A.B: Ah there we go.
Michael: Haha.
Chris looks at Johann.
Chris: Well, I'm not carrying him.
Michael: We can leave him here.
Michael: He'll wake up in..
Michael: A couple of hours.
A.A.B: Or days.
Chris chuckles.
Michael: What'd you hit him with, Alex?
A.A.B: The butt of my gun.
Michael: Ouch...
A.A.B: Well WHAT else can knock him out in a couple of days?
Chris: Actually, he should come around in an hour or so.
Chris: Unless you seriously wounded him.
A.A.B: Dont know. I did hit his temple pretty hard though.
Chris kneels beside Johann, opening his eyes and examining the bruise on his head.
Chris: He'll be fine.
Michael: Oooh, he'll be out for half a week if you did that.
A.A.B: Well oops..Ah well.
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